Over 85% of our operating budget relies on donations. Every gift matters and helps sustain the vitality of our church and its ministries. Thank you for your consideration.
You can give financially to St. Paul’s and its ministries either online through Interac E-transfer (our preferred method), PayPal or CanadaHelps. You can also donate by mailing a cheque or in-person at the church. In addition, donations of securities can be made to St. Paul’s via the United Church Community Foundation (contact the church office for information).
Please specify how you would like your donation allocated, e.g., General Fund, Mission & Service, Memorial Fund, Garneau-Strathcona Food Security (GSFS), Refugee Support, Capital Fund, etc. Undesignated gifts will be used to help support St. Paul’s general operations.
All donations to St. Paul’s qualify for charitable tax receipts. Please ensure we have your mailing address and phone number; if not, include it with your donation. St. Paul’s will issue tax receipts by February of the year following the donation, in time for tax season – unless CanadaHelps is used, in which case CanadaHelps issues the tax receipt.
Interac e-Transfers (preferred: it helps reduce our overhead fees)
Interac e-Transfers can be made through your bank. Please send the e-Transfer to stpaulsaccountant@telus.net
If your gift is to support a specific initiative or outreach ministry please so indicate with your donation.
The button below takes you to the PayPal window for St. Paul’s United Church. After you complete the first page with the total to St. Paul’s United Church, you will be taken to a second page where you can designate how you wish your donation be allocated.
Canada Helps
The button below takes you to the CanadaHelps page for St. Paul’s United Church. If your gift is to support a specific initiative or outreach ministry please so indicate with your donation.
By Cheque
To donate by cheque, make it payable to St. Paul’s United Church and note the purpose in the memo section. Mail donation to:
St. Paul’s United Church
11526 76 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 0K7