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St. Paul’s Church Board Members and Committee Chairs (contact through church office)
Chair: Dean Rombough
Vice Chair: currently vacant
Secretary: Dale Wilkie
Treasurer: Heather Peden
Worship: Paul Preston
Social Justice: rotating Chair among the Social Justice Committee members
Spiritual Nurture: Jack Jervis
Property: Dave Carr
Finance: Justin Wheler
Legacy Project: Marianne Scott
Ministry and Personnel: Jim Mullins
Membership and Congregational Care: Coleen Falk
Stewardship: currently vacant
Faith Formation: Rev. Anna Constantin, M.Div. B.Ed.
Senior Minster: Rev. Dr. Catherine MacLean
St. Paul’s United Church Board Executive
Board Chair: Dean Rombough
Board Vice Chair: currently vacant
Secretary of the Board: Dale Wilkie
Chair of Finance: Justin Wheler
Senior Minister: Rev. Dr. Catherine MacLean
St. Paul’s United Church Representatives to the Northern Spirit Region
Helen Madill, Amy Kaler, Don Retson
St. Paul’s United Church Trustees
Clare Irwin, Shona Nichols, Allan Scott
St. Paul’s Constitution (2017)
Annual Report for 2021
Financial Statements 2021
Duty Of Care